Creating your kids bedrooms style should involve organisation there's always way to save space for extra play area. Both parents and children should have a space that's suitable for each individual. The design should present quality aesthetic.
This project can some times become over whelming this is where a game plan would be great idea. This could save money the more time you spend on this the better.
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Ask Your Child
This is a good place to start, asking your child what's his or hers dream bedroom could open doors. What's there favourite colours for girls it's normally pink with boys there always blue this could depend on there football team. Would they like a desk and some book cases this could encourage order and organisation skills.
Asking your children makes them feel involved and important this creates a healthy family atmosphere at home. Remember to think long term if there toddlers they may need a large wardrobe later on or bedside tables with 3 drawers for more storage in later years.
What Colour ?
Colours can make or break a bedroom think about creating the illusion of space, light shades work well like white think about cool matches. Yellows and reds create warmth and allow you to add your stamp on the room.
Bedrooms usually have 2 major colours that dominate and the others that are known as accents. Choose the main colours then go online and find a colour chart then pick your favourites - Dulux colour
Choose the correct Furniture
Get your tape measure out this should be well thought through plan. Sometimes a room isn't big enough for a full sized bed this is where a small single 2ft6 mattress could come in handy. Use the full height of the ceiling with Bunk Beds your going to save space and create an extra sleeping area for friends or a family member. Buying new dressers, chairs, book cases and desks should be considered before the purchase takes place. Remember the long term plan when it comes to colours, you should be investing in colours that make the grade for Teenagers too.